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Data visualization helps to perceive our everyday practices and world that because of it being so familiar is typically off our radar of awareness.
Data visualization also conveys abstract and large amounts of information in ways that are comprehensible.
Artists and art educators have long known the power of visualization of ideas.
Josie George | |
Maya Lin |
The Office for Creative Research | We Were Strangers Once Too (2017) |
“Photographed horses to find the basis of locomotion in animals and human movement. His final works are the basis of making motion pictures” (Reed Carlson, April 9, 2020) |
Mimi Onuoha | Pathways (2015) |
Georgia Lupi & Stefanie Posavic |
“Great book! I’ve had my students explore their own idea based upon their ideas of conveying data through visual means…it’s really compelling WHAT data students choose to collect” (James Rees, April 9, 2020). “@James- I agree, the choices students make in what and how they choose to collect their data is fascinating.” (Amanda Galbraith, April 9, 2020). |
Quilters | “Many quilts are pure data.” (Cheryl McMickle, April 9, 2020) |